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Recipe For A Family Fun Easter Bible Activity!

Updated on March 5, 2011

Bible Lesson Activities With Our Families Can Be Delightful!

Family Bible Lesson Recipe Activity For You To Do With Your Kids!

If you are looking for a good Bible lesson and family activity that has to do with a bit of cooking with the kids, then I have the Bible recipe for you!

This is a delightful Bible lesson recipe for you to do together as a family that will also teach your children about Jesus and the resurrection - using the Bible.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, that we refer to as Easter, is a very special Christian Holiday with easter baskets, jelly beans, peeps, colored eggs, Easter egg hunts, CHOCOLATE -- and of course the Easter Bunny!

Mom's love all of the festive holiday preparations that go along with Easter, but you also want to make sure and teach your children about the resurrection of Jesus Christ that is taught in the Bible at other times of the year.

Jesus Christ died on the cross that we might live again. Our children need to understand the meaning of the resurrection and who Jesus Christ is and what He did for them - when He gave up His life on the cross for them...

Prepare The Night Before...

Recipe Success Tip: You must remember to begin this Easter recipe by preheating your oven to 350 degrees BEFORE you start...

What You Will Need:

  • 1 cup whole pecans
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 tsp. vinegar
  • clear adhesive tape
  • a Bible
  • a pinch of salt
  • wooden spoon
  • Baggie with zip closure

Gather All Necessary Ingredients And Items Before You Begin Cooking This Easter Recipe With Your Family....

Teaching Children About The Resurrection And What It Means...

Helping Our Children Understand The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Young Children Are Eager To Learn About Jesus Christ...
Young Children Are Eager To Learn About Jesus Christ...

As You Prepare Each Step Of This Bible Lesson Recipe With Your Family - You Will Read Together As A Family From The Bible... About The Resurrection.

Read each Bible scripture reference as you do each step in the Bible lesson recipe with your family. If your children are old enough, they could take turns reading from the Resurrection story from the Bible. You can have your Bible marked and bookmarked before you start, so that this will go smoothly with your family...

  • 1. Read John 19:1-3 Place pecans in bag and close tightly. Allow children to beat them with the wooden spoon as they break them into small pieces.

Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman Soldiers.

  • 2. Read John 19:28-30 Have your child smell the vinegar. Put vinegar into mixing bowl.

Teach your children that when Jesus was on the cross, He was very thirsty. He was given vinegar to drink - instead of water.

  • 3. Read John 19:10-11 Add egg whites to vinegar.

Teach your children that eggs represent "new" life! Teach your family that Jesus gave His Life to give us eternal life.

  • 4. Read Luke 23:27 Have each child hold out the palm of their hand. Sprinkle a little salt into each of their cupped palms. Have your family taste the salt with the tip of their tongues... and brush the rest into the bowl.

Teach your children, that this is symbolic of the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin.

At This Point Of Making Your Bible Lesson Recipe - Your Family May Notice That This Recipe Is Not Looking Too Good To Eat Yet...

So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing.

  • 5. Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16 Add once cup of sugar.

Teach your family that the sweetest part of the Resurrection story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know Him and understand what He did for us, so that we could go to Heaven and be with Him again.

  • 6. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3 Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed.

Teach your children that the color white is symbolic of purity. In God's eyes all those who accept what Jesus Christ did for them, and keep His commandments - have been cleansed by Jesus.


  • 7. Read Mathew 27: 57-60 Mix in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a wax paper covered cookie sheet, or you may use parchment as well.

Teach your children that each of these mounds of dough, can represent the rocks of the tomb, where Jesus' body was buried.

Reading The Bible Together With Our Chidren... Is A Wonderful Family Activity.

Teaching Our Children To Understand The Resurrection...

  • 8. Read Mathew 27:65-66 Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door tightly!

Tell your children firmly, that Jesus’ tomb was sealed!

  • 8. Read John 16:20, 22 GO TO BED!

Help your children to undestand, that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven tonight. Liken this to - Jesus followers being in despair when the tomb was sealed.

  • In the morning READ together as a family Mathew 28:1-9 Open the "tomb" and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow!

On that first Resurrection morning, Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb had been opened and it was EMPTY!

Teach your children that you know that Jesus Christ lives today! Tell them that He was resurrected in Glory! Teach them that this means - His Spirit and Body were reunited again and now are perfect and immortal. We too, because of Jesus Christ will be resurrected and have eternal life!

We are so grateful for what Jesus Christ has done for each one of us that we too will live again and be with our families forever!

This is what the meaning of Easter is... and what the resurrection means to each one of us.

Write On!


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