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Why Are You On Facebook?

Updated on February 12, 2014


Everyone, who is Anyone - is now connecting on Facebook!
Everyone, who is Anyone - is now connecting on Facebook!

Facebook - The Phenomenon!

Social networking on Facebook, is being used by people of all ages, backgrounds, interests and motivations. Regardless of your age, Facebook has become the premier online venue for staying connected with family, friends, and even business associates. Facebook engineers are continually upgrading and updating the ability to connect on their site, to make staying in touch with the people that are most important to you - a little easier.

Another aspect that many people appreciate, is the fact that the founders of Facebook, really do listen to their users. The ability for those who maintain an account on Facebook, to have full control as to who they connect to - is a HUGE feature for getting people to join.

Privacy on Facebook, is something that its users value greatly - and they have been very vocal in letting Facebook know how they feel!

Teenagers use Facebook to communicate with their friends, make new friends, share photos, video, play games and even get a date on a Friday night~

Grandparents are even beginning to understand the simplicity and practicality of joining Facebook to easily stay connected to grandchildren!

Here is an excellent tutorial on eHow, about how to help Grandparents Get Started On Facebook.

Friends are discovering long lost friends, through the ability to search Facebook according to information that you provide - and make available for others to find. Remember, you are in complete control on Facebook. If you don't want to be found - no problem. However if you want to find an old high school friend, or a college buddy that you've lost touch with - easy. IF your old friends are on Facebook, too - and want to be found, it's as easy as a click to reestablish that connection!

Families are staying connected on Facebook. Through the use of some very easy to use Facebook applications, you can even do a bit of your genealogy research! Pretty amazing, isn't it? Perhaps you could even find a long-lost rich relative!

On Facebook, the ability for you to easily connect and stay connected, continues to be improved...

Mark Zurkerberg, Founder and CEO of FaceBook

Networking On Facebook Is All The Rage - NOW!

Once upon a time ago, Facebook was a fairly straightforward way for college students to connect socially, with other students - online. Few functions were available, but even then - it was clear to its founders - that their little social experiment had BIG potential. As more and more people joined Facebook, new features were added, and were very well received!

Today, it is quite clear that Facebook has more than BIG potential - it now serves a community larger than 175 million users! Boggles the mind, doesn't it? And you were thinking that the fact that you have 200 friends on Facebook was pretty good, eh?

This is the very reason that now, not only do people use Facebook to connect with family and friends, but it has become an important platform for business. Social marketers can't resist the power of Facebook for creating a constant stream of new contacts that are interested in what they have to sell.

Permission Marketing is one of the reasons that Facebook has become very attractive to just about every popular marketing brand, today. From Oprah Winfrey to President Barrack Obama  - anyone who is anyone in the public eye - has established themselves on Facebook! This provides an incredibly easy path for a product; be a person, place or thing - to dispense information to a highly targeted market!

Niche Marketing thrives on Facebook, due to the fact that you can either join an existing group or create one, about anything you can imagine! Got a blog -- create a blog-network and invite your friends to join. Did you know, that over 500 blogs a day are submitted to Facebook? Again, boggles the mind. Webmasters see Facebook as a great way to increase readership for their particular niche -- and they are right.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerman On The Today Show

No SPAM allowed on Facebook!

Meaning, no spam allowed - by users. Facebook themselves, do allow targeted advertising on their site - to you and me. However, they are very strict about what they allow individual users to "market" through their accounts.

If a user finds themselves emailing large groups of their "friends" on Facebook, creating an excessive amount of "groups", etc.... that account will be flagged as SPAM, and most likely be suspended altogether. If you decide to use your Facebook account for either business, or organizing a large group - you best check out the Facebook Terms of Use. Consider yourself warned!

The average Facebook user, who is there to simply connect socially with friends and family, most likely - will never have a problem. But it is always nice to know, that there are rules, everyone should be aware of...

The Many Faces On Facebook

The popularity of Facebook grows stronger everyday -- there's a lot of peer pressure to join in.
The popularity of Facebook grows stronger everyday -- there's a lot of peer pressure to join in.

The Many Uses Of Facebook...

Why Are You On Facebook?

See results

How Do You Use Facebook?

As for me personally, I find that how I use Facebook - evolves everyday. When I first joined Facebook, it was simply to connect with family. I soon found out that it was also a great way to stay connected to my grandchildren, too!

As I began to see the potential for sharing what I do online, which is write - I now share my post from the various blogs that I publish - with my entire Facebook "family" -- which now includes, family, friends, online associates, etc...

The enjoyable part about Facebook, is that even many of those who were barely "friends" early on, I've actually started feeling as though we have always been friends! It really depends on how much you interact with those whom you have allowed to be your "friends".

Facebook allows for the sharing of a lot of information about ourselves, etc... Those who allow us the privilege to enter into their lives, too - create the potential for a relationship. As with any "real" relationship - that can only develop through respect, positive communication - and similar interests. Facebook is no different - regardless of your motivations for its use.

Yeah, I'm addicted to Facebook. But really, who wouldn't be - - when you can stay in touch with so many people that you really do care about, build interesting new relationships, share what most interest you - and learn from others?

Now, what about you... Why are YOU on Facebook?

Write On!

Write-On! Acknowledgements and Requests:

I really appreciate my reader's feedback. If you have found this Hub about Facebook, to be helpful to you, would you please give it a BIG thumbs-up!

Did I mention, that I LOVE comments!

As alway, please share this Hub, with your friends. You know, you can even post it to your WALL, on Facebook!

Photo Credits: If you took any of these pictures, please let me know and I will give due attribution.

You can find me, on Facebook, Here!  Just leave a note, that you read this Hub:-)

Feel free to leave your Facebook info, in the comments section.



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